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Bible teachings from Paul Brenton, Pastor of Williamsville Christian Fellowship
Glorious! And not so much. Many of us remember glorious days as well as difficult times through the years at Williamsville Christian Fellowship (WCF) c.1973 - 2016. . . . the Saturday and Tuesday night worship, when in the right frame of mind, we would enter into the incredible presence of God’s Spirit singing, dancing, prophecy, tongues/interpretation, free-form Spirit singing, prayer, silence. And then, testimonies of God’s life interventions, supernatural healings, anointed teachings and fellowship.
And that was just the “services”. Remember summer and fall camp: Allegheny, Hickory Hill, Duffield, Bethany, Dunkirk, LCC . . . with its many difficulties of weather, and just being “so close”....but through it all, realizing God was with us, helping us to draw closer to Him as well as one another.
Homemeetings (Paul’s, Ron’s, Hoy’s, Vaughn’s, Fran’s, Joe’s, Doherty’s, morning - I know I left out some, sorry): really getting to know each other (usually) with the goal of becoming more like Jesus.
Picnics, dinners, parties, UB witnessing, For Zion Sake, Covenant, CPC, Pro-life demonstrations and arrests, ISI, West Side bible study, weddings, baptisms, a memorial service, Volleyball tournaments, Billy Graham Crusade, Another Point of View radio, tapes, counsel that was spot on, counsel that went awry, women’s retreats, Voices of Joy, trials of tears, Saturday prayer and fast, Thursday prayer and fast, long-lasting friendships, friendships-light, faux friendships, church splits, missionary visits (Bosworths, Noel Samuel and the hot dog joke, Jorg), the “financial statements”, the Messenger newsletter.
All of this and there must be things I’ve forgotten. Through it all, for most of us, our goal was to become more like Jesus and be pleasing to him. Some of us went away bitter; some of us went away and grew elsewhere. But for all, God’s Spirit was beckoning us - it was an exciting time. God continues to work in us wherever we hang our hat, if we invite him to.
Since we are still getting hits on this website, I thought it would be good to update it but posting one teaching by Paul Brenton every once in while.